Working with employers and their employees to help create a positive, efficient and successful workforce.
With more than 4 years’ experience working in a high-pressured city job, we know the effects first-hand of how stress at work can infiltrate our lives and general well-being. We understand that a happy workforce is a productive one and offer a range of classes / talks both physically or online via zoom to assist companies in getting the best from their employees but also the employees getting the best for themselves.
Corporate Exercise Classes - Strength, HIIT, functional fitness. A great endorphin release and mood-booster for employees and also a great opportunity to encourage team bonding. Classes are either 30 minutes for express sessions or 60 minutes for full sessions.
Corporate Mobility Classes - Focusing particularly on hip, back and shoulder mobility for individuals who spend most their days at a desk! Being less mobile than we have possibly ever been means taking 5/10 minutes out our day to stretch and breathe is not only crucial when trying to live a pain-free life but also boosts our mental health. These 45 minute sessions take your employees through a full mobility and breathing session so they can instantly feel the benefits of movement. The sessions equip your employees with the knowledge they need to be able to perform their own routines on a day-to-day basis - mitigating their risk of injuries and helping them manage the stress of their days.