What we repeatedly do, forms the person we become.
We are faced with a plethora of stress in today’s world and it is critical to our wellbeing we take control of the controllable, making the challenges easier to overcome. When wanting to improve our lives we need to look at all the small building blocks involved:
Personal nutrition
Mindset & perspective
Daily habits
Our environment
Rest & recovery
So often we prioritise intensity over consistency and this is where we go wrong. We need to build habits and systems we can implement daily, consistently in order to optimise our lives.
Health is more than low heart rates and strong muscles it is physical, mental, emotional, social, financial and educational. All factors are important, the level of importance is individual but none must be overlooked.
I believe it is though our daily habits we build resilience and strength to be the best version of ourselves possible and live the lives we truly deserve.
My ethos is simple, be kind to others, be kind to yourself and execute the basics well.